May 15, 2024

Sacraments – Mysteries

BaptismCurrently at our Team Leaders meetings we’re talking about the sacraments: baptism and communion.  “Sacraments” is Latin for Greek “musterion” or “mystery.”  What happens in baptism and communion is something of a mystery.  That doesn’t mean we don’t understand any of it.  United Methodists have taken some time to explore just exactly what we do believe about these two sacraments.  Our thoughts about communion are found in This Holy Mystery and our thoughts about baptism are found in By Water and the Spirit.  Some other helpful links about communion and baptism include:

CommunionFAQs about Baptism, Membership, and Salvation

Q&A on Communion

Sacraments and Faithful Living: Communion

John Wesley’s Sermon – The Duty of Constant Communion

John Wesley – A Treatise on Baptism (this is actually his father, Samuel’s treatise, that he republished.