October 5, 2024


Bod4God 2








Bod4God – Team
Sycamore Creek Church
Tom Arthur
February 23/24, 2014


Peace friends!  Have you been watching the Olympics?  I haven’t seen the Iron Lotus yet, but I have seen Meryl Davis and Charlie White.









Did you watch these two win the gold medal in ice dancing?  Wow!  They are magical.  They look like they’re right out of a Disney movie.  They make quite a team, and they’re not alone either.  There’s the whole team approach to figure skating this year.  While Meryl and Charlie won gold, the entire U.S. figure skating team this year won bronze.











The US Figure Skating Team isn’t alone either.  Because they’re competing alongside all the other teams from the US.  As for Saturday morning, TEAM USA was in second place for the most medals:








The top athletes in their sports don’t compete alone.  Even if they’re on the ice alone or in the luge alone or on the slope alone, they’re not alone.  They’ve got a team they’ve trained with.  They’ve got a team that is standing on the side cheering for them.  They’ve got a coach.  They’ve got a whole nation cheering for them to win!

Today we’re wrapping up a series called Bod4God.  We’ve been looking at what it means that our bodies are a temple of God.  How do we dedicate these bodies so that they truly are a temple of God?  The problem I want to wrestle with today is this:

Problem: It’s hard to do it alone.

There’s a nasty cycle that we often get into when it comes to our bodies.  Health problems lead to depression, and depression leads to isolation, and isolation leads to further health problems.  It’s hard to do it alone.  It’s hard to take care of these bodies by ourselves.  Here’s the point of today’s message:

Point: You’re never alone!

Throughout this series we’ve been looking at an acronym: D.I.E.T.

We started with D for dedication.  Then we moved on to I for inspiration.  Last week we heard about E for eating and exercise.  Today we’re wrapping up with T for team.  Who is on your Bod4God team?  I want to look at four teams you need to have in place to have a Bod4God.

1. Eternal Team
Whether you’ve got any other team or not, you’ve got this team: the eternal team.  God is always with you and is always able to do more than you could even ask or imagine.  What?  Yes.  More than you could ask or imagine!  Paul, the first missionary of the church said it this way:

“Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine…”
Ephesians 3:20 NRSV

What are you able to imagine about your body?  God can do abundantly more.  Abundantly more!

So what does this eternal team mean?  What does it mean that God is with you and able to do abundantly more?  One thing it means is that you have the wisdom of the creator of the universe at your fingertips.  You’ve got the greatest body trainer you could ever imagine.  Even more than you could imagine, because the creator of the universe knows your body better than any other person ever could, even yourself.  James, Jesus’ brother, said it this way:

“If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given to you.”
James 1:5 NRSV

A lot of our problems come down to a basic issue: we lack self-control.  God can give us wisdom, but can God give us self-control?  Absolutely!  Back to Paul:

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”
Galatians 5:22-23 NRSV

When God’s Spirit is at work in you, all of these amazing virtues begin to take root in your life: love, joy, peace and on to self-control.  You get the wisdom you need from God not to eat that extra doughnut and you get the self-control from God’s Spirit to actually restrain yourself.

Having a Bod4God is hard to do alone, but you’re never alone.  You’ve always got an eternal team: God.

2. Exercise Team
I think that God knows that we need a flesh and blood team that we can see and feel and touch and hear right now.  God is spirit and we worship God in spirit and truth, but God puts people around us to also be God’s presence in our lives.  When it comes to our Bod4God team, who is on your exercise team?

The Proverbs say:

As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.
Proverbs 27:17 NLT

The past two weeks I’ve gathered with whoever wants to join me at Meridian Mall on Friday mornings at 9:30AM to walk the mall.  My goal is always to get 10,000 steps in by the end of our time together.  Different people who have showed up have had different goals.  Some have a goal of one lap around the mall.  Some have a goal of 5000 steps.  Some are aiming for 15,000.  The thing we share in common is that we’re all there together, and it’s the team together that helps motivate us to get off our butts on a Friday morning and do some exercise.  I am motivated to do it because I know that people are there waiting for me and counting on me to be there.  There’s a kind of basic accountability inherent in being part of an exercise team.  The team expects you to show and waits for you to show up.

Who’s on your Bod4God exercise team?  I’ve heard stories so far about people taking advantage of the two community groups that we’ve partnered with in this series.  Some are joining the YMCA at a reduced rate for three months.  They’re working out in the weight room for the first time in a long time.  There are others who are taking up Karate at the Original Okinawan Karate of Holt who also is giving a huge discount for three months or a free month.  Each of these communities of exercise is acting as an exercise team to help people have a Bod4God.

Don’t do it alone.  Who’s on your Bod4God exercise team?

3. Education Team
All of us need some help when it comes to understanding better what it means to live a healthy lifestyle.  Who is on your education team?  Where are you getting more and better knowledge about what it means to take care of your body?  The book of Proverbs says:

“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools suffers harm.”
Proverbs 13:20 NRSV

If the only people you’re hanging out with are other people who have bad health habits, then it’s likely you’ll have bad health habits too.  But if you’re surrounding yourself with people who are also seeking knowledge and education about how to better take care of their bodies, it is likely you will take better care of your body too.  Wisdom breeds wisdom.  Foolishness breeds foolishness.

Let’s talk a moment about doctors.  When was the last time you invited your doctor onto your education team?  Personally, I like to think of my doctor as a preventative team member.  I like to talk to my doctor before things become a real problem.  When was the last time you had a yearly physical?  It’s called “yearly” for a reason.  When was the last time you invited your doctor to give it to you straight?  If you don’t like your doctor, then don’t give up on doctors.  Find another doctor!  If you don’t like that doctor, find another one.  If three of them all tell you the same thing, that you need to exercise, eat less, and eat better food, then the problem probably isn’t with your doctor.  You’ve got an education team that is trying to educate you about something, and you’ve got your ears plugged up.  Let him who has ears to hear, hear.

Let’s expand this education team a bit.  Again, I like to think of this education team as preventative.  Most of us think of physical therapy as something you do once you’re hurt.  Sarah and I had a close friend who was a physical therapist when we lived in Petoskey.  We were getting ready to go on a backpacking trip to Yellowstone.  We were going to hike thirty five miles over five days into the heart of the backcountry.  I realized that at some point I would literally be a 17.5 mile walk from any kind of civilization.









I didn’t want my body to break down on me in the midst of Timbuktu.  So we asked our PT friend what to do.  He said that he had a wellness program that we could sign up for.  We went in and he analyzed our bodies, their strengths and weaknesses, and he crafted a set of exercises that were specific to each of our bodies.  The end result was that we were in better shape than we had ever been and our bodies gave us no problems.  The hiking was tough, but it was also very enjoyable because we enlisted an education team.

It’s hard to do it alone.  Enlist your doctor, physical therapist, nutritionist, websites, books, and more.  Who is on your Bod4God education team?

4. Encouragement Team
All of us need cheerleaders.  Every Olympic athlete has someone cheering them on.  The book of Proverbs says:

Anxiety weighs down the human heart, but a good word cheers it up.
Proverbs 12:25 NRSV

The primary place where we try to build encouragement teams here at SCC is in our small groups.  We’ve currently got 20 or 21 small groups meeting weekly to encourage one another to have a Bod4God.  One of those teams is our challenge group.  After two weeks our challenge group has lost forty-eight pounds!  Friends, it’s hard to do it alone, but together you find encouragement to press on.

Harold Koenig, the director of the Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health at Duke University has been studying the relationship between faith and health for a long time.  The Agnostic Pub Group I help lead has been reading and discussing his book, The Healing Power of Faith.  In it he writes, “Research finds that the support of a loving family or close-knit social community such as a religious congregation can bolster that motivation to persevere [in any weight-control effort].”  It’s hard to do it alone, but with a faith community of encouragement, you can do it.

That brings us to Sycamore Creek Church.  Why is it important to be a partner with a church?  Why is it important to make a deeper commitment to partner with a community of faith?  Is it because SCC is perfect?  No.  Is it because we always get it right?  No.  It’s because here you will find an encouragement team not only for your Bod4God but also for your entire life.  It’s hard to do life alone.  Find a church family and make a commitment to partner with it.

We recently changed our “membership” to “partnership.”  We made that change because “membership” sounds like something you do at a country club.  That’s not what we wanted membership to mean.  We wanted it to be a partnership with our mission: to ignite authentic life in Christ by connecting (with God and others), growing (in the character of Christ), and serving (our church, community and world).  Partners say, “I want to help advance that mission in this world.  I want to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.  I want to be part of a faith community that is curious about God, creative in all that we do, and compassionate to everyone.”

Our process of partnership begins with Pizza with the Pastor.  I know what you’re thinking: is pizza really good for a Bod4God?  Well, it depends on what kind of pizza you eat and how much you eat.  A couple of pieces of pizza loaded down with veggies is a great nutritious meal.  Pizza with the pastor happens every fourth Sunday and Monday and pizza is on me.  You get a chance to get to know me and other new people at SCC.

The next step of partnership is to take SCC 101, 201, and 301.  These happen on the first, second, and third Sundays and Mondays, and you can take them in any order you want.  101 has to do with connecting to God and others.  201 has to do with growing in the character of Christ.  301 has to do with serving the church, community, and world.  We eat pizza and work through some ideas that are very specific to SCC.

One last step of partnership is to be baptized.  We’ll baptize people any time of the year, but our big baptism happens at the end of June with Baptism at the Beach.  There’s a nine-session small group that prepares you to be baptized, to baptize your child, or reaffirm your baptism if you were baptized as an infant or have fallen away from God since your baptism.  This small group is called Christianity 101.  It’s also great for those who really want to go deep in their faith.  It begins in March and runs for nine sessions through June.  Baptism is the sign and seal of being a part of God’s family.

It’s hard to do it alone.  Partner with SCC and put us on your encouragement team.

5. Ex-Team
Let’s be honest.  There are some people on your team right now who you need to get off your team.  The book of Proverbs says:

Stay away from fools, for you won’t find knowledge on their lips.
Proverbs 14:7 NLT

No pun intended!  Now I have moles throughout the entire church, and I was sent this picture this past week from one of our small groups that is supposed to be encouraging one another to have a Bod4God.  I’ve blurred out the faces to protect the guilty.










Flagrant foul!  Twenty-yard penalty!  I know I just mixed sports lingo, and that’s why you don’t want me on your referee team.  And there are some people you don’t want on your Bod4God team.  Who in your family is always egging you on to eat another cookie?  Who among your friends is always telling you another piece of fried chicken won’t hurt.  Who do you work with who is always trying to get you to go to the after work party where you know there’ll be lots of junk food you shouldn’t eat?  I’m not telling you to no longer associate with these people, but you will need to find a way to not let them influence you as much as they have.  They’re not on your Bod4God team.  Treat them like tax collectors and Gentiles!  It’s hard to do it alone.  Who do you need to add to or subtract from your Bod4God team?

Today we have several people joining the SCC team.  They’ve all taken SCC 101, 201, and 301, and they’re ready to make a commitment today to partner with SCC in our mission: to ignite authentic life in Christ.  These are the commitments they make today to be on our team:

Partnership Vows
Tom: Do you seek to avoid evil and do good?
Partners: I do.

Tom: Do you confess Jesus as Savior and Lord in community with the church?
Partners: I do.

Tom: Will you stay in love with God?
Partners: By God’s grace, I will

Tom: Do you commit to connecting with God through worship and others through small groups?
Partners: I do.

Tom: Do you commit to growing deeper in the character of Christ through spiritual practices and H.A.B.I.T.S.?
Partners: I do.

Tom: Do you commit to serving the church, community and world with your time, talent, treasure, testimony, and temple?
Partners: I do.

To the church
Tom: Do you as the body of Christ, the church, reaffirm your own desire to avoid evil, do good, and stay in love with God?
Church: We do.

Tom: Do you commit to connecting with God and one another, growing in the character of Christ, and serving the church, community and world?
Church: We do.

Tom: Will you nurture one another and these new partners in the Christian faith and life, and surround them with a community of love and forgiveness?
Church: We will.


Bod4God – Inspiration

Bod4God 2







Bod4God – Inspiration
Sycamore Creek Church
February 9/10, 2014
Tom Arthur
Colossians 1:28-29


How do you find the motivation and perseverance to stay healthy when you’re constantly getting knocked around in the obstacle course of life?  That’s the problem I want to wrestle with today.  Where do you find your inspiration?  Sometimes we find our inspiration through social media, but then we have this problem:












Actually, I had something like this happen to me recently.  I wear a pedometer because I find it helps keep me motivated to be active each day.  Well, the other day I met someone at the mall and we had a “walking meeting.”  We walked the entire circuit of the mall twice including all the department stores.  It was a good hour to hour and a half or so.  I aim for 10,000 steps a day, and I probably took 15,000 steps.  After we wrapped up our walking and meeting, I realized I had left my pedometer at home!  My workout was worthless!  So later that night I went home and figured out how to fix the situation.  I sat in my comfy chair and attached my pedometer to my three-year-old son.  This was such a brilliant idea that I do it now every night and easily hit my 10,000 step goal each day!

Ok.  All kidding aside.  Let’s turn to the Bible and see if we can find any inspiration there for making healthy choices in how we treat our body.  Paul, the first missionary of the church, wrote a letter to the church at Colosse and this is what he said:

It is Christ whom we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone in all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature [teleios] in Christ.  For this I toil and struggle with all the energy [energeia] that he powerfully [dynamis] inspires [energe?] within me.
Colossians 1:28-29 NRSV

Now you thought you were walking into a physical exercise class today but you ended up walking into a Greek grammar class.  I’m sorry.  I’m a geek.  I gave you several of the Greek words behind the English translation because they give us a sense of what we’re aiming for and what kind of inspiration we need to get there.

First, we’re aiming at “teleios.”  Teleios means several things including:

  1. Brought to its end, finished
  2. Wanting nothing necessary to completeness
  3. Consummate human integrity and virtue

In short, teleios is complete maturity.

Second, Paul talks about three kinds of energy: energia, dynamis, and energe?.  Energia is superhuman power.  Dynamis is inherent power or human power.  Energe? means to aid or work for one to accomplish something.  Thus, inspiration is = Energia energe? dynamis or supernatural power aiding our own power to bring about total and complete maturity in mind, soul, and body!  That’s the kind of inspiration we need, right?

Here’s the whole point of today’s message: We need the inspiration of supernatural power mixed with practical insight for today.  So where do you find supernatural power and practical insight?  The good news is that we have an abundance of both.

1.      Biblical Principles
Last week we looked at two biblical principles that are essential to having a Bod4God.  First, your body is a temple of God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).  Second, you begin by dedicating (devoting and disciplining) your body to God (2 Chronicles 7:5).  It all starts here.  Have you dedicated your whole body, your whole life to God?  Biblical principles provide the inspiration of supernatural power aiding your own human power.

2.      Past Leaders
You may think that only modern health leaders can inspire you to healthy choices.  You would be wrong.  Let’s look to Clement of Alexandria, a second and third century church leader.  He said, “We must guard against those articles of food which persuade us to eat when we are not hungry, bewitching the appetite.”  I’m sure Clement was talking about BBQ or Ranch potato chips.  Or maybe gummy bears.  OK, he wasn’t.  The food has changed but the basic problem hasn’t.  Some kinds of food call us to eat whether we’re hungry or not.  You could lose a lot of weight just by eating only when you’re hungry and stopping when you’re not hungry.

Then there’s John Wesley, the 18th century founder of Methodism.  Wesley said, “Every day of your life take at least an hour’s exercise, between breakfast and dinner.  If you will, take another hour before supper, or before you sleep.  If you can, take it in the open air; otherwise, in the house.  If you cannot ride or walk abroad, use within a dumb-bell or a wooden horse.  If you have not strength to do this for an hour at a time, do it at twice or thrice.  Let nothing hinder you.  Your life is at stake.  Make everything yield to this” (Thoughts on Nervous Disorders).  Yeah, he’s from the 18th century but he knew something about living a healthy lifestyle by making sure you get enough exercise.  The man lived to be 88 when the average life expectancy was between 35-40!

Past leaders provide the inspiration of supernatural power aiding your own human power.

3.      Spiritual Practices
Have you thought about praying for your health?  I’m not talking about praying after you’ve gotten sick.  I’m talking about praying when you’re tempted to not do what you should do?  Pray before, during, and after temptation.  Pray for self discipline when you know you’ll be in a situation where you’ll be tempted to make unhealthy choices.

Have you thought about memorizing Bible passages to help you make healthy choices?

Jesus fought off temptation in the desert with scripture that he had memorized.  He didn’t have a smart phone to Google the question: “What does scripture say about fasting for forty days and being tempted by the Devil?”  He had it in his head, and he resisted the temptation to destroy the work of God for the sake of food by quoting scripture to himself and the Devil.

What about worship?  Do you regularly attend worship so that you’re filled with God’s power to be able to resist the temptations of unhealthy choices and filled with inspiration to take care of your body?

Simplicity is a practice that has been used for thousands of years.  Our culture wants more…more…more…more.  How much is enough?  A little bit more.  Following Jesus means living a simple life where what you have is enough.  You don’t need all that food and all that rich food because you eat in a simple manner that is sufficient to meet your basic needs.

Then there’s fasting.  Ah…fasting.  Fasting is not an attempt to lose weight.  That’s called a diet.  Fasting is giving up something good in order to attain something better.  You fast not to lose weight but to break the power of pleasure.  Back to Clement who said, “By keeping pleasures under command we prevent lusts.”  Lent is coming up.  Have you considered fasting from something during Lent?

The last practice I want to look at today is baptism. In baptism we die to ourselves and we are raised with Christ.  When we go under the water we enter the tomb with Jesus.  When we come out of the water we are raised with Jesus.  We are made new.  The old self dies.  The new self is resurrected.  We are given new power to resist the temptations in our life.  At Sycamore Creek Church we do a nine session small group to help you prepare for baptism called Christianity 101.  You can join this small group if you want to be baptized, if you were baptized as an infant or at some other time in your life and you want to reaffirm your baptism, or if you just want to go deeper in your faith.  Have you been baptized?  Do you want to follow Jesus?  Why not be baptized this summer at our Baptism @ the Beach.

Spiritual practices provide the inspiration of supernatural power aiding your own human power.

4.      Pronouncement of Judgment
Did you know there will be a day of judgment?  There will be a day when we stand before God and our life will be weighed, no pun intended.   Paul says:

For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God.
Romans 14:10 NRSV

You cannot earn God’s love, but your life’s work will be shown for what it is.  Like a refiners fire, God’s judgment will burn away all the impurities and that which is pure and holy and righteous will be left standing before God.  On that day I want to hear God say, “Well done good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21 NIV).

What will be judged?  We usually talk about four things: how did you use your time, talent, treasure and testimony.  But maybe we should add a fifth: temple.  How did you care for the temple of God that is your body?

The proclamation of judgment provides the inspiration of supernatural power aiding your own human power.

5.      Passion of Christ
The word “passion” literally means “to suffer.”  Thus, the passion of Christ refers to the suffering of Christ in his crucifixion and death.  Jesus suffered in his body to accomplish God’s purposes in your life and all of our lives.  That was Jesus’ passion.  What is your passion?  If you’re like most of our culture, which most of us are, then your passion is to indulge our pleasures until we suffer in our health.  Friends, this is not what Jesus died for.  Jesus did not suffer so that we could indulge our pleasures to the point of suffering.  Jesus suffered so that God could work in us.

The passion of Christ provides the inspiration of supernatural power aiding your own human power.

6.      Practical Wisdom
So far we’ve been mostly talking about supernatural power.  Now I want to talk about the power inherent in each of you.  Where do you find practical wisdom for taking care of your body?  And how does that practical wisdom inspire you?  Here are a couple of thoughts mixed with some of my own tips and tricks.

First, what will be your legacy?  Will your health allow you to invest in the spiritual lives of your grandchildren?  What about your great grandchildren?  I told you last week I was in a car accident four years ago and had significant back pain because of it.  I could only hold my newborn son for one or two minutes without pain.  The desire to be able to invest significantly in his life inspired me to stick with physical therapy for almost two years to get back in shape to the point of not having any more back pain.  Now I can do just about whatever I want with him.  My legacy in and through Micah inspired me.

Second, what is your testimony or witness to others?  When people get to know you, do they give thanks to God because of the choices you are making in taking care of your body?  Or if you have some kind of birth handicap or something that you didn’t have any choice about, is the way you’re currently treating your body and is your attitude about your body brining glory to God?  Is your body a temple pointing your friends and family to God?

Third, recognize that you’re not going to look like a model.  You won’t look like a model because models don’t look like models either.  The image you see in an ad is not a real human being.  It is a photoshopped icon and symbol.  Give up on trying to be like a fake image of a model.

Fourth, set realistic goals.  A healthy weight loss is one to two pounds a week.  That means if you’re trying to lose fifty to a hundred pounds it is going to an entire year!  You don’t get into this situation quickly.  You won’t get out of it quickly either.

Fifth, measure.  We pay attention to what we measure.  It has been shown over and over again that people who wear pedometers are more active.  So pick up a cheap pedometer and wear it.  I also weigh myself daily.  I then write it down in my journal.  Last Sunday I weighed 166.6.  On Monday I weight 167.2.  On Tuesday I weighed 165.6.  It’s natural for your weight to fluctuate two or three pounds.  I weigh daily because it causes me no anxiety.  I realize women come to a scale with very different expectations.  Perhaps if weighing daily causes you extreme anxiety, then you should weigh yourself weekly.  I also keep a food journal.  I simply write down what I eat each day and any exercise I do.  I do this because I used to use Weight Watchers, and I got into the habit of it.  Now I can do it and have educated myself enough that I don’t really need Weight Watchers anymore.  Just writing it down is enough.

Sixth, when it comes to eating, I try to always have lots of fruit around.  I snack on fruit when I’m hungry.  I also like to have lots of healthy snacks around.  Pretzels, tortilla chips and salsa.  When I go get the tortilla chips bag, I count out one serving and put it on a plate.  Then I put the bag back in the pantry.  If I didn’t do this, I would eat the entire bag!  I don’t buy temptation food. I just keep it out of the house.  I have no discipline when it comes to candy.  So I don’t buy it.  I’m having a particularly hard time right now with this one because we’re using M&Ms to help potty train Micah.  I always think I deserve a handful of M&Ms too when he goes potty. Then I deserve a handful a little later too.  And another handful before I go to bed.  Before I know it, I’ve eaten the entire bowl of M&Ms, and we no longer have any rewards for Micah’s potty training!  So I generally keep temptation foods out of the house.  I drink mostly water.  I drink little to no pop or soda.  I’d prefer to eat my calories than drink them.  And I’m skeptical of the long-term affects of all those ingredients with names I can’t pronounce in diet drinks.

Seventh, Sarah and I are “flexitarians.”  We’re not complete vegetarians.  We are mostly vegetarians.  Or we are significantly vegetarians.  We like meat, but you can’t eat hamburger for every meal and expect to be healthy.  So we eat many meals that have no meat in them.  But Friday night is date night and date night is eat-whatever-the-heck-you-want night.  It’s my “cheat night.”  Steak and Shake meal: steak burger with cheese, fries, salad with blue cheese dressing, and a shake.  Then a movie and popcorn.  One night a week I give up the discipline and celebrate life with my wife.  I can’t do that every night, but I can do it one night a week and doing it one night a week makes it that much more special.

Eighth, I have a covenant with my pants: I will never leave them nor forsake them.  I let the discomfort of tight pants inspire me to lose weight.  I don’t buy a bigger set of pants.  I’ve been wearing 34 inch waist pants for most of my married life.  My wedding pants are 29 inch waist.  I can’t really fit into them anymore.  But that’s OK.  34 inch is a good healthy spot for me to be in.

Here’s my last practical inspiration.  When it comes to exercise I try to do little things that add up.  I do walking meetings with anyone that I can meet and walk and talk all at the same time.  I always take the stairs in buildings.  I park in the back corner of the parking lot to get some extra steps in.  I exercise with my kids by taking them sledding or hiking or biking.  If you don’t have kids, you can borrow mine.  They’ll give you a good workout.  I walk in the mall in the winter (and I don’t buy stuff!).  I try to shovel the driveway and sidewalk instead of using the snow blower.  I mow the yard myself rather than pay someone to do it.  All these little things add up to an active lifestyle.

Practical wisdom provides the inspiration of supernatural power aiding your own human power.

So you can’t do all these things tomorrow.  You’d be overwhelmed.  But what one or two things can you do this week?  What inspires you from this message today?  Do what you can.  Do what you have your own human power to do.  Then invite God’s supernatural power to inspire your human power.  With God’s help, you can have a Bod4God.

God, inspire our human power with your supernatural aid so that when we stand before you in the day of judgment, we hear you say, “Well done good and faithful servant.”  May it be so in the name of Jesus and the power of your Holy Spirit.  Amen.