October 5, 2024

Messages 2010 – 2011

Advent Conspiracy

Advent ConspiracyChristmas can still change the world.  Don’t let consumerism steal the soul of Christmas.  Advent Conspiracy shows you how to substitute consumption with compassion by practicing four simple but powerful, countercultural concepts:

December 4, 2011 – Worship Fully

December 11, 2011 – Spend Less (Mark Aupperlee)

December 18, 2011 – Give More

December 24, 2011 (Christmas Eve – 5pm & 7pm) – Love All

December 25, 2011 (Christmas Day – 7pm) – Love All

Audio Downloads

Seasoned for Hospitality

Seasoned for HospitalityHow do you welcome someone into your home?  How do you welcome someone into your church?  It’s the season of hospitality and we’ll be exploring how we’re called to be seasoned for hospitality.  This message will give you practical steps for offering hospitality in your home, work, school, or church.  Come join us and be seasoned for hospitality.

November 27, 2011 – Seasoned for Hospitality

Audio Downloads

Off the Tracks

Off the TracksHave you ever seen a train jump off the tracks?  Like in a newsreel or in a movie?  It’s not a pretty sight.  The tracks keep the train moving forward in a positive direction.  Have your own actions and attitudes ever caused your life to jump off the tracks?  It’s not a pretty sight.  Come join us for a three-week teaching series that will explore how and why sin causes our lives to jump off the tracks.

November 6, 2011– Personal Sin

November 13, 2011 – Corporate Sin

November 20, 2011 – Gray Areas (Mark Aupperlee)

Audio Downloads

Revelation: An Invitation To God’s Imagination

RevelationRemember what it was like as a kid to see the world through your imagination?  Danger and peril lurked just around the corner.  Adventure and romance were only a journey away.  Dressing in character was a must.  So what does the world look like through God’s imagination?  Come join us as we explore the answer to that question in the book of Revelation.

October 9, 2011 – View from the Throne Room

October 16, 2011 – Worshiping Empire

October 23, 2011 – Mixed Date (Mark Aupperlee)

October 30, 2011 – Bride and Groom (Come dressed in your favorite costume)

Audio Downloads

Clearance: Restocking Your Emotional Inventory

ClearanceHave a surplus of emotions that you’d like to run on clearance?  What do we do with an overstock of emotions like anxiety?  Anger?  Feeling alone?  And all the emotions that surround addiction?  Run a clearance sale and restock them with something new!  Join us as we spend four weeks looking at what practical wisdom the Bible can give us about our emotional health.

September 11, 2011 – Anxiety (Prices going up)

September 18, 2011 – Anger (Sold out…deal with it)

September 25, 2011 – A-loneliness (Buy one get one)

October 2, 2011 – Addiction (The first one is free)

Audio Downloads

Life for Dummies: Learning to Live from Jesus’ Stories

life for dummiesSometimes lessons for life just need to be simple, like a story.  Jesus understood that stories can communicate complicated truths in a simple way that nothing else can, so he told stories all the time.  These stories help give shape to the deepest yearnings of our lives.  How do we live?  What do we do?  Who are we?  Come listen and learn from the master story teller, Jesus.

July 31, 2011 – The Prodigal Son I (Mark Aupperlee)

August 7, 2011 – The Prodigal Son II (Mark Aupperlee)

August 14, 2011 – The Good Samaritan (Sarah Arthur)

August 21, 2011 – Be a Humble Poser

August 28, 2011 – The parable of the Talents (Tamara Williams, District Superintendent of the Albion District)

September 4, 2011 – The Sower and the Soil

Audio Downloads


Why?Why does God allow tragedy and suffering to exist? Why are my prayers not answered? Does God have my whole life planned out for me? Why should I trust God, when nothing seems to make sense? We all wrestle with these questions. When we go through tough times or unexpected joy it’s natural to wonder how (or if) God’s will is at work in our world. In this video sermon series, Pastor Adam Hamilton helps to make sense of these complex issues.

July 10, 2011 – Suffering (Adam Hamilton – DVD Message)

July 17, 2011 –  Unanswered Prayer (Adam Hamilton – DVD Message)

July 24, 2011 – God’s Will (Adam Hamilton – DVD Message)

Audio Downloads

Questions 2.0

Questions 2.0What questions do you have about God? In this series well be exploring several questions that many people ask: Is God a Warrior (Memorial Day)?  Why Believe in God?  Is God a Man (Father’s Day)?  What is Baptism (Baptism Sunday)?  And we’ll end with a Q&A with Pastor Tom.  On June 5th we’ll take a slight detour to hear from one of our graduates on graduation Sunday. Join us for worship and bring your questions with you!

May 29, 2011 (Memorial Day) – Is God a Warrior?

June 5, 2011 (Graduation Sunday) – Thoughts of a Graduate (Claire Orme)

June 12, 2011 – Why Believe in God?

June 19, 2011 (Father’s Day) – Is God a Man?

June 26, 2011 (Baptism Sunday) – Baptism?

July 3, 2011 – Q&A with the Pastor

Audio Downloads

So Many Reasons…(Commitment Sunday 2011)

So Many ReasonsWhy give money away? Doesn’t keeping your money make you more happy? We’ll explore so many reasons why we receive joy when we give generously. As Jesus said, “It is better to give than receive.” On the final Sunday you’ll be given the opportunity to make an annual commitment to Sycamore Creek Church.

May 15, 2011 – So Many Reasons Part I

May 22, 2011 – So Many Reasons Part II (Ken Nash)

Audio Downloads


Chipped - A Three Week Series on ForgivenessEver had someone chip the windshield of your life? You’re going along minding your own business and CRACK!  Your perfect life now has a chip in it.  Some chips are bigger than others, but they’re all repaired through forgiveness.  Beginning on Easter, join us for a three week series on learning the repair work of forgiveness.

April 24, 2011 (Easter) – Forgive Me

May 1, 2011 – Forgive Others

May 8, 2011 – Forgive and Remember

Audio Downloads

I Like Your Style

I Like Your StyleWho do you know who has fabulous style?  What if that style was more than just skin deep?  What if you were attracted to the style of their character?  Now that’s someone we’d all like to get to know.  I Like Your Style is about having the kind of lifestyle that attracts people to God.  Join us as we seek a style makeover.

April 3, 2011 – An Attractive Lifestyle

April 10, 2011 – Bold Humility

April 17, 2011 – Community Style (Mark Aupperlee)

Audio Downloads

I Believe

I BelieveMany of us keep a journal where we write down what we believe about the world. Have you ever read someone else’s journal? It’s like looking at the world through their eyes. The way they see things changes the way we see things. The Apostles’ Creed is a kind of journal. When we read it we see the world through the eyes of Jesus’ closest followers, and it changes how we see the world. Join us as we read the creed.

March 6, 2011 – I Believe: The Father

March 13, 2011 – I Believe: The Son

March 20, 2011 – I Believe: The Holy Spirit

Audio Downloads


The Song of Songs, the steamy side of the Bible, exposes the connection between sex, creation, and God. Sound scary? Sound freeing? What would it be like to be truly known and truly loved? Come join us as we expose the best of intimacy, vulnerability, love and sex through the lens of The Song of Songs.

Febuary 13, 2011 – Exposure in Marriage

February 20, 2011 – Exposure in Creation

February 27, 2011 – Exposure with God

Audio Downloads

Mixin it Up

Mixin It UpWhat happens when you mix up small groups and missions? You get Mixin It Up! At the beginning of 2011 we’ll be exploring this new initiative in our church that mixes small groups and missions. Then for two months our small groups will be exploring a different service opportunity each week in our community with the goal to make a commitment to serving one of them. This will mean that if you’re part of one of SCC’s small groups, you will only have to make one commitment to cover two growth areas: small groups and missions. We’re mixin it up! That’s about as easy as we can make it to both grow in the character of Christ and serve the community. The only thing you have to do is connect to a small group. Do it in 2011!

January 16, 2011 – A Basic Recipe

January 23, 2011 – Mission is Friendship

January 30, 2011 – Mix with vs. Mix to (Mark Aupperlee)

February 6, 2011 – Mixin in Justice

March 27, 2011 – Mission Sunday

Audio Downloads


Have you ever noticed that super heroes aren’t always fearless? Sometimes they have quite a bit of fear. They just chose to do what’s right rather than run from the fear (at least most of the time). That’s what makes them super. It’s called courage. Courage isn’t the lack of fear. Courage is doing what is good even in the face of fear. As we grow in faith we grow in courage, courage to live out the life that Jesus calls us to live, courage to do good even when we’re afraid, and courage to be the people we were created to be. As we celebrate Christmas, what could be more courageous than the God of all creation taking on the life of a baby born in a manger? Now that’s super-natural! Join us as we explore courage in a four part series beginning on Christmas Eve.

December 24th, 2010 – Fear Not

December 26th, 2010 – Good Fear

January 2nd, 2011 – Courage

January 9th, 2011 – Practicing Courage (Mark Aupperlee)

The Elements of Worship

The Elements of WorshipRemember the periodic table of elements?  It’s a chart of the basic elements that make up our world.  At first it looks very complex, but it’s really quite simple.  Worship is similar.  At first it looks complex, but it’s really very simple.  Worship happens most fully when the community gathers to encounter God and respond with everything we’ve got.  In the same way that our world is made up of basic elements, worship is made up of four basic elements of encounter and response.  Come join us for this four-week teaching series on The Elements of Worship, and along the way we’ll use these four basic elements from the periodic table to help us more fully understand what worship is:

November 28, 2010 – Carbon: God’s glory and our praise

December 5, 2010 – Hydrogen: God’s holiness and our confession (Mark Aupperlee)

December 12, 2010 Copper: God’s mercy and our thankfulness

December 19, 2010 – Lithium: God’s love and our mission

Audio Downloads

20 Years Deep

On November 7th Sycamore Creek Church turns ten-years-old.  We’ll be ten years deep, but Jesus calls those who follow him to always go deeper. Deeper in faith.  Deeper in maturity.  Deeper in love.  When talking to Peter he says, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch” (Luke 5:4).  Going deeper is sometimes scary, but it makes us trust more in God.  Beginning October 17th we’ll begin our six-week 20 Years Deep capital campaign, a campaign to celebrate ten years and plan for ten.  Right now we’re ten years deep.  How deep will we be in twenty?  Join us out in the deep water.

October 17, 2010 – Mission

October 24, 2010 – Vision

October 31, 2010 – Values Part I

November 7, 2010 – 10 Year Anniversary

November 14, 2010 – Values Part II

November 21, 2010 – Celebration

Audio Downloads

Three Simple Rules

Three Simple RulesWhat comes to mind when you think of rules?  Usually rules have a negative connotation.  Don’t they?  But there are life-giving rules too.

September 5, 2010 – A History

September 12, 2010 – Do No Harm

September 19, 2010 – Do Good

September 26, 2010 – Stay in Love with God

Audio Downloads

The unSeries

unSeriesA series of no series.  Every week a series unto itself.  Every week a different teacher.  The unSeries.  Coming to a church near you.

unSeries video previews: Twilight ZoneThoughtBarbariansChins

August 1, 2010 – Walking Through Temptation

August 8, 2010 – Idleness (Mark Aupperlee)

August 15, 2010 – The Four Loves  (Sarah Arthur)

August 22, 2010 – Nazarite Vow

August 29, 2010 – Rash Vows (Jeremy Kratky)

Audio Downloads

How to Be a Good Guest and Host

How To Be a Good Host and GuestSummer is wonderful, isn’t it?  It’s a very active time.  We all enjoy getting outside.  We enjoy being active.  We also enjoy having people over.  Summer is a time for BBQs, deck parties, pool parties, garage parties, and the like.  It’s a time when we enjoy being a host to friends, family, and neighbors in our homes.  I think this makes summer an appropriate time to also consider how we host people in this home we call the church.  How should we treat those who are guests among us?  Does the Bible offer any direction on this?

July 18, 2010 – A Good Host

July 25, 2010 – A Good Guest

Audio Downloads

Life: A Two-Part Series on Baptism

Baptism - LifeWhat comes to mind when you think of water?  What does water mean in our culture and our lives?  We drink water.  We need water during and after we’ve exercised.  We use water to bathe in.  We wash our hands.  We take showers.  Wash our cars.  We enjoy water.  We swim in it.  We play in.  We canoe, kayak, sail, boat.  We also use water to baptize…

June 20, 2010 – Part I: Beliefs

June 27, 2010 – Part II: Practice

Audio Downloads


Friendship with GodWhat makes a good friend?  Is it someone who says they’re your friend or someone who acts like your friend?  And what does a friend act like?  Friends don’t just talk the talk, they walk the walk.  Friendship isn’t just about what you say you believe, but about how you act.  Friendship with God isn’t much different.

May 2, 2010 – Friendship with God

May 9, 2010 – Friendship with Others (Mark Aupperlee)

May 16, 2010 – Friendship with Community

May 30, 2010 – Friendship with Self

Audio Downloads


Questions 2.0The idea for this series was born out of a conversation with the youth of our church.  We asked the students, “What questions do you have about Christianity?”  It was a pretty incredible conversation.  To begin each message, a teenager made a video asking the question.  The questions are broad enough that most of us probably have asked them at one point or are asking them now.

April 4, 2010 (Easter) – How Do I Know?

April 11, 2010 – What’s Up with Heaven or Hell?

April 18, 2010 – Why Do I Keep Sinning?

April 25, 2010 – Q&A

Audio Downloads

American Idols

American IdolsWhat do you worship? That’s a question we may not ask ourselves, but the way we live our lives provides an answer. What most fully captures your attention and imagination? Money…power…sex? Through this series that we’re beginning we’ll be exploring six different idols that capture the attention and imagination of our American culture.

February 21, 2010 – Fame

February 28, 2010 – Violence

March 7, 2010 – Security

March 14, 2010 – Money

March 21, 2010 – Sex

March 28, 2010 – Pleasure (Mark Aupperlee)

Audio Downloads


H.A.B.I.T.S.Habits shape our lives. They are patterns of behavior, and they move you in one direction or another. The big question is, which direction are your habits moving you?

September 13, 2009 – Introduction

September 20, 2009 – Hang Time with God

September 27, 2009 – Accountability

October 4, 2009 – Bible (Sarah Arthur)

October 11, 2009 – Involvement with the Church (Mark Aupperlee)

October 18, 2009 – Tithing

October 25, 2009 – Serving