October 5, 2024

Courage: Do Not Be Afraid

Our upcoming Christmas Eve service will kick off a new series called Courage: Do Not Be Afraid.  We’ll look specifically at Joseph and the courage he had to have to trust God amidst the situation that was unfolding in the life of his fiance/future wife and her/their child, Jesus.

Courage: Do Not Be Afraid

Have you ever noticed that super heroes aren’t always fearless? Sometimes they have quite a bit of fear. They just chose to do what’s right rather than run from the fear (at least most of the time). That’s what makes them super. It’s called courage. Courage isn’t the lack of fear. Courage is doing what is good even in the face of fear. As we grow in faith we grow in courage, courage to live out the life that Jesus calls us to live, courage to do good even when we’re afraid, and courage to be the people we were created to be. As we celebrate Christmas, what could be more courageous than the God of all creation taking on the life of a baby born in a manger? Now that’s super-natural! Join us as we explore courage in a four part series beginning on Christmas Eve.

  • December 24th – Fear Not (5PM & 7PM)
  • December 26th – Good Fear
  • January 2nd – Courage
  • January 9th – Practicing Courage