October 5, 2024

Worship is

The Elements of Worship

In the first message of this series, we asked SCC to give us their definitions of worship (Sunday, Nov. 28, 2010).  Here is what we received:

Worship is…

-loving God…

-a time to thank God for all he has done & ask for forgiveness & help to continue to glorify God in all things…

-when our actions are done unto God…

-love; honoring our creator; song; dance; humbleness; or knowing you’re only there because He made you…

-my praise of God…

-Any act that celebrates God’s presence

-living out your faith…


-spending time with God praising Him for who he is and what we are able to do with him at our side…

-thanking god for blessings and asking him to guide our lives…

-communication with, and thanks to God…

-praise the Lord…

-giving thanks, glory, praise to our Lord, maker of all on Earth, giving oneself to the truthful ways of the Bible…

-In Hebrew it means, “To bend the knee.”  For me I see that as me choosing to agree with God & submit to His will.  To give up my will for me * choose him & his will for me & my loved ones & the world…

-feeling at peace and at one with God.  Having a relationship with him…

-communing with God, loving and adoring him and being loved in return…

-getting to know God better & understanding God’s will…

-singing, praying, listen to the sermon, reading the Bible…

-giving praise to God for all that he has done & all that he’ll continue to do in the future…

-an expression of our gratitude and devotion to our God incorporating all elements of our life…

-a time of community of believing, communion with God…

-an acknowledgement of God and a way to give back in a minuscule way with praise and thanks…

-honoring God as God through song, dance, etc. ACTIONS

-learning about God and the Bible…

-honestly, openly, joyfully connecting to and honoring God the Father, Son & Spirit, and doing that in community with our Christian brothers and sisters…

-Dedicating time to focus totally on God/Christ…

-Coming together to learn about God’s Word and the teachings of Jesus…

-showing God your love and thanks for Him…

-showing the love of God and out appreciation for what God has done…

-putting your heart in alignment with God – with mind, heart, and actions…

-a quiet time in thought & prayer, communing with God…

-a time to reflect and to thank God for all that we are given and blessed with…

-taking time to consider, reflect, and appreciating God’s sacrifices and graces that he has casted upon us…

-praising God with our whole lives, which includes singing all the way down to cleaning the house, etc…

-opening mind, heart and soul to God through the Bible, music, conversation , however you feel him then living and spreading Him, His Word to others…

-loving God, honoring God, socializing with people like yourself…

-loving God through honoring, adoration, learning, serving, growing and connecting & sharing his love…

-a time to praise and communication with our heavenly father,  to lift up one’s friends, ourselves, to ask for forgiveness & to renew ourselves in the Truth…

-your heart connecting with God, joyful noise, I connect best in worship through prayer or music, community or individual

-saying hi to God, learning, singing, community fellowship, sometimes it sounds like it is just singing, not ed phillip’s definition, or the Pope’s.

-celebrating God for who God is and what God has done…

-our thanks and appreciation toward God…through many ways like: music, art, studies, etc…

-expressing love and appreciation to God in a way that is meaningful to the worshipper…

-a better connection with myself and with God, a clearer view of my personal mission in life and giving me the motivation to achieve it…

-recognizing and thanking God…

-forgetting about what is wrong with me and remembering what is right with God…

-giving God our hearts through song, thought/mediation, and just recognizing and appreciating His presence & His handiwork…

-spending time with God, learning his way of life…

-communication with God in order to better understand His will and to let Him know our feelings…

-respect for God (Jesus)…

-learning, evolving, becoming more at peace…



  1. […] of Worship, we asked people to write a definition of worship.  Those definitions can be found here.  During the last worship service in the series, we asked people to write a definition again and […]