July 1, 2024

Poster Winner

One of our youth, Brittany LeZotte, recently won a contest for a poster for Alcohol Awareness Month in April.  I asked her if I could post her poster on my blog, and here it is!  Great job, Brittany!

Poster Winner

Narrative Theology for Youth Ministry

Sarah ArthurI’m sure that title grabbed a lot of attention.  OK, well, if it grabbed your attention, then you’re one of the few geeks like my wife and me.  Sarah recently wrote a brief summary of what narrative theology is and how it applies to doing youth ministry on Slant 33’s blog.  I think it’s worth reading, because it’s also how I operate on a church-wide level.  Check it out and leave a comment there or here.

Slant 33

Question – Why do I keep sinning?

We’re currently in a series called Questions.  The questions I’m answering each week are based on questions the students in my church asked me one day when I met with them.  I thought they should present the question then themselves.  So here’s the question for this Sunday asked by Gaelen: Why do I keep sinning?

What’s up with heaven or hell?

We’re currently in a series called Questions.  The questions I’m answering each week are based on questions the students in my church asked me one day when I met with them.  I thought they should present the question then themselves.  So here’s the question for this Sunday asked by Alyssa: What’s up with heaven or hell?

On the last Sunday, I’ll be answering (or attempting to answer!) questions submitted by you.  Got a question?  Post it in the comment section below.