July 6, 2024

Signup Online for SCC Summer Groups!

GroupLink2Dear Friend,

I’m super excited about the 21 group options you have this summer at SCC!  Why sign up for a Summer Group at SCC?  Here are ten reasons:

  1. Go deeper in worship by learning how to play the guitar.
  2. Don’t do the whole parenting thing alone by connecting with other moms or dads to explore the community together.
  3. Go see some of the movies that we’ll be using in this summer’s sermon series: God on Film.
  4. Stay active and dedicate your body as a temple of God’s Spirit in a Bod4God follow-up group or a women’s backpacking group.
  5. Find healing in your heart and continue to “get past your past.”
  6. Get FREE child care while making friends with other young moms.
  7. Go deeper in the Bible by studying the book of Galatians with other men.
  8. Plug your kids into the summer Play Camp on Sunday mornings.
  9. Plug your youth into the Epic Bike Ride, Pool Party, and more.
  10. Make new spiritual friends and do life together!

For a full description of the 21 summer small groups at SCC, download this PDF.

There are two easy ways to sign up for SCC’s Summer Groups:  

1. On your Connection Card in worship or
2. Online.

Don’t take the summer off.  Connect and grow in groups!

Pastor Tom

The Office is Moving!

Church on the MoveDear Friends,

Every Sunday morning when I leave the house, I say to my son, Micah, “I’ll see you at worship.”  I don’t say, “I’ll see you at church.”  Why?  What’s the difference?  The difference is that the church is not a building.  The church is the people who gather in a school or diner or bowling alley to worship.  A building is just a tool for the church to use for ministry.  Micah is part of the church.  So am I.  So are you.  So I tell him that I’ll see him at worship.

One of the benefits of SCC not owning a building (to worship or work in) at this time is that we are flexible.  We can be creative when it comes to how we organize ministry and reach out into our community.  In the next several months we’re going to be changing up how we use two buildings: the office and the parsonage.  The timeline is still evolving, but sometime in early summer, we will not be renewing our lease for the office.  We will be moving my office and Susan’s office to the parsonage.  We will be using some of the space in the basement of the parsonage for a work room and storage.  Volunteers will come to the parsonage during normal office hours to do the things they currently do at the office.  The rest of the staff will then work out of their homes and the community.

You may be wondering whether you can stop by the office when it is in the parsonage.  During normal office hours, you are welcome to stop by to see Susan or do whatever work you need to do at the office.  To meet with staff, you will need to communicate with them directly.  Or you may wonder about what will happen to groups that meet at the office.  There is currently one small group that meets at the office, but it is finishing up at the end of this semester and not continuing.  Otherwise, all the rest of our small groups meet in the community or at homes.  Few teams meet at the office (the Lead Team and Team Leaders meet at Holt UMC), but the ones that do will also meet in homes or in the community.

So why this change?  There are several good reasons to do this:

  1. Our current office location is confusing to the community.  Most people think of a church as a “building” and think that our office is our church.  I have heard over and over again that the community associates SCC with our office.  Of course, it never looks like much is going on at our office, so this does not create a positive feeling about our church in the community.  We will be including signage with this move that will make it clear to the community that the office is moving to another location.
  2. Sarah and I have for most of our married life practiced the Christian discipline of hospitality.  We have almost always had other people living with us.  Recently we had a guest move out after getting back on her feet.  This led Sarah and me to ask, “What’s next?”  It seemed appropriate that we would offer hospitality to the church office for a time period.  This is a possibility because of all the work and resources that were put into finishing the basement of the parsonage.  We doubled the square footage of the parsonage by finishing the basement and bringing it into line with conference parsonage standards.  Our family is not currently using all this space, and we are happy to share it with the church.  This will also lead to several areas of financial savings in the form of one set of utility bills (electric, gas, internet, phones, etc.) for the parsonage rather than two for the parsonage and office.
  3. It has become apparent to me over the last four years of building relationships with other church planters and new churches, that making the community your office is the best way to build relationships with the community and share God’s love with the community.  Too often a building or office leads to a staff spending all their time in the office with other staff and not out in the community building relationships.  Over the past two or three years our staff has been migrating out of the office and into the community more and more.  I am currently in the office only about a half a day a week.  Otherwise, I work in coffee shops, libraries, on campus, restaurants, or my home.  This is becoming truer of all our staff.  It is also showing fruit as we have more opportunities to invite people to SCC.
  4. Another reason church plants and new churches don’t have office space is because it is better to spend money on ministry rather than administration.  Over the past year we have added to our staff.  We currently employ a part-time youth minister, Gretchen Williams.  This hire along with a great team of unpaid volunteers has led to more families attending SCC and getting involved and more students participating in StuREV.  At the same time, our giving has gone down and our budget is very tight.  To retain our current staff at our current giving level, we have decided to free up the resources in the office so that the money we use to pay rent and utilities can be used for ministry instead.
  5. This change is not an end solution.  It is a transition solution while we continue to look for a building or other creative ways to use buildings for ministry.  We imagine the office being in the parsonage for around two years.  This puts us in the position of anticipating more change in the future.  Buildings change.  The church is not a building.  The church is you and me and all your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family who will be part of the church in the future.

There are several ways you can help with this move:

  1.  Jason Kelley is leading the actual logistics of moving the office.  If you are willing to help with the physical labor of moving, contact Jason (jasondkelley@sbcglobal.net).
  2. We store a lot of supplies for our medical missions to Nicaragua at the office.  We will be looking for a new home to store these supplies.  If you have space that you are willing to share with this mission, contact Teresa Miller (millerflash@sbcglobal.net).
  3. We will be moving everything we need out of the office and then throwing a garage sale that will be open to the church and the community.  If you’re interested in helping with this or buying anything that we will not be taking with us, contact Susan Kelley (susankelley@sycamorecreekchurch.org).
  4. Continue to invite people to join us for worship at one of our two locations.  When you talk with your friends, make sure to point out that our church meets at a different location than our office.
  5. Pray for this transition and for all involved.

It is likely that you have some questions about this move.  Feel free to communicate with me in whatever way works best for you (tomarthur@sycamorecreekchurch.org, 394-6100, or via Facebook).  You may also ask any one of the Team Leaders listed below.  I look forward to seeing how God will use our church and this transition to reach even more people with the love of Jesus Christ.


Pastor Tom & The Team Leaders
Patricia Alderman (Member at Large)
Mark Aupperlee (Small Groups)
Chuck Bird (Finance and Facilities)
Paula Donaldson (Hospitality)
Jason Kelley (Media & Space Team)
Susan Kelley (Office)
Jeremy Kratky (Worship)
Kristin Kratky (StuREV)
Shelley Mull (Membership)
Thomas Oates (Space Team)
Erin Wasinger (Kids Creek)
Julie Soltis (Kids Creek)
Bob Trout (Staff Pastor Relations)
Dotty Wilinski (Missions)
Gretchen Williams (StuREV, Kids Creek and Church in a Diner

Commited to Christ

Logo 4-color B

Dear Friends,

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ?
What does the Lord expect of me?
What “holy habits” should I cultivate in my life?

For seven weeks beginning in March and preparing us for Easter, our entire church family is invited to enter a season of decision and commitment toward the goal of becoming fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ. We will begin a new series called Committed to Christ: Six Steps to a Generous Life.

We are hoping that every person and every family will be present every Sunday or Monday during this season so that we can each commit to climb one step closer toward this goal. We will dedicate ourselves to the Lord and obey what the Lord has commanded, in a spirit of gratitude for all that we have received.

On an introductory week at the start of the program, we will be asked to make or renew our personal commitment to Christ. Each of the six weeks following will emphasize a different area of faithful Christian discipleship: prayer, Bible reading, worship, financial giving, witness, and service.

Here are several things you will want to be aware of:

  • A preview booklet that describes each of the six areas of commitment is available for FREE at the info table on Sunday or Monday.
  • A 40-day devotional book is also available on Sunday or Monday for $4 or you can buy one here.
  • A set of commitment cards that show the various levels of commitment, ranging from limited commitment to full and unlimited commitment can be downloaded here.  You will be invited to complete and turn in one commitment each week during worship on Sunday or Monday.
  • A serve sheet with all the ministries of our church listed can be downloaded here.  You are invited to complete and turn this in on the last week during worship on Sunday or Monday.  Also consider taking a FREE ($15 value) online spiritual gifts survey at www.assessme.org/2364.aspx.

To celebrate what God is doing here at Sycamore Creek Church, the series will culminate in a special Ministry Celebration Sunday with ONE Sunday service at 10:30 AM on Palm Sunday, April 13 (Monday night will meet as usual), where all the ministries of the church will be on display in a service fair in the Connection Cafe.

May God bless each of us as we commit together to become fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Tom

March 2 & 3 – Intro
March 9 & 10 – Prayer
March 16 & 17 – Bible
March 23 & 24 – Worship
March 30 & 31 – Financial
April 6 & 7 – Witness
April 13 & 14 (Palm Sunday) – Service (ONE  Sunday service at 10:30 AM; Monday at 7PM as usual)

Building Move Vote and Discernment Reflections

2168 S CedarBuilding Move Vote and Discernment Reflections

On Sunday, February 23, 2014 our church voted with an overwhelming majority to redesignate as needed our capital campaign funds to be used to remodel and launch 2168 North Cedar as our Sunday morning campus.  The vote was done audibly so there is not an actual count, but my best guess is that about 90% of those present voted “Yes.”  I am very excited to move forward with this process and see where God leads us, although as Thomas Oates shared, there are a couple of steps yet required before we sign a lease: getting the permits from Delhi Township and having a hazardous materials test done on the building.

While the overwhelming majority voted for this redesignation of funds, there were a three questions that were raised that I would like to take a moment to address.

1.      Can we really grow in this space?  Is it big enough? 

This is probably the key question that was asked, and it is the question I have been asking from the beginning.  The short answer is that I believe it is big enough to be a transition space for us.  I believe we can grow to a regular attendance of somewhere between 250-300 people in worship (not including the children and teens in Kids Creek and StuREV).  Here’s the reasons why I think this space is big enough:

  1. 2168CedarPlanThe worship area can hold up to 200 or more chairs.  We are not submitting plans for 200 chairs because that would require more zoning regulations to be met.  We are submitting a plan with 130 chairs because that is currently where we are at with some room to grow.  But it is possible to fit 200 chairs in that room.  Having 200 chairs does not mean you will have 200 people in worship.  That’s because when a person walks into a room that is 70-80% full, they feel psychologically like there is no place for them.  70-80% of 200 is 140-160.  For simplicity sake, let’s say 150.  Two services with 150 in each service equals 300 people in worship each week.  Both services will not be equally attended so 300 is the top of our theoretical size.  Let’s say that one service has 100 people in it and the other has 150.  That means we have 250 people in worship each week.  That’s where I get the range of 250-300.
  2. The second reason I believe we can grow to that size is because JourneyLifeChurch just down the road is in a space that is equivalent in square feet, and they are hitting 300.  They have outgrown their building at that size.   The difference between where they are at with 300 in attendance and where we will be at is that we will not own the building and will not have to sell it before moving to a bigger building.  This building is a transition building for us.
  3. 2168Cedar-MapYou may ask about parking for 250-300 people.  Let’s say that on average you have two people per car (some cars will have one and some will have four).  That means we will need 125-200 parking spaces if we grow to be that size.  There are currently about 100 parking spaces in total between 2168 N Cedar and the Holt Farmers Market.  We are not asking for permission at this time to use all the spaces at the Holt Farmers Market.  We are only asking for enough space to meet our current size and then some, but there are options for expansion in the future, and those options motivate us to be good neighbors with the Farmers Market.  But we will also need even more parking spaces than that to get the 125-200.  There are several businesses to the North that could be approached, an empty lot across Cedar, and parking on residential streets in the area.  From the very get go in this building, we will be asking regular attenders to park in the “inconvenient” places to keep spaces up close available for guests and those with special needs.  When we run out of spots in the current parking lot, we will be asking regular attenders to again consider parking further away.  Is this a perfect situation?  No, it is not.  But there is no perfect building.  Is it a good option with more options in the future?  Absolutely.
  4. The range of 250-300 people is assuming we keep only two worship services.  We could expand to three services on Sunday morning.  I don’t know what the perfect time for those three services would be, but just for discussion’s sake, let’s say we offered one at 8AM, 9:30AM and 11:00AM.  Let’s say there were 75 people who attended 8AM, 125 at 9:30AM and 150 at 11AM.  That would put us at 350 adults in worship each Sunday morning.  Now we have a serious critical mass of new people to begin adding significant giving to a capital campaign to own our own building to ignite authentic life in Christ in even more people.
  5. While it is theoretical in nature more than a certainty, one last option worth reflecting on is the option to buy the building at some point in the future.  This would open up over 14,000 square feet for us.  For comparison sake, Holt UMC is only 17,000 square feet and 3000 square feet is just the front hallway.  We could potentially take an entire floor or 7000 square feet for worship.  That would double the number of chairs you could fit to 400 and give us a 70-80% capacity of 280-320 and a two service capacity of somewhere around 500-600.

I share all of these ideas just to show you that there are several options available to us to grow in this space.  I believe 250-300 adults in worship is very realistic in this space, and that would represent the potential for our church to more than double in size in this space.

2.      Why the urgency and short notice on this vote?  Why not wait for further discernment and conversation?

2168Cedar-1There are several reasons why we chose to move quickly on this opportunity before us.  First, we have been in Lansing Christian School for fourteen years and the last seven have not been very kind to our momentum for Sunday morning.  While beginning a Monday night Church in a Diner created a 22% increase in overall attendance over the weekend worship services, Sunday morning attendance has stalled to decreased slightly over the last year.  Four different consultants (Jim Ozier from North Texas, Paul Nixon from WashingtonDC, Dirk Elliot from Detroit Conference, and Gary Step from our own West Michigan Conference) have all told us that LansingChristianSchool is going to be a difficult place to grow for several reasons.  LCS is a Christian school known primarily by the Christian sub-culture.  The building is not in a visible location.  The broader culture sometimes has negative associations with a Christian school.  We are in the shadow of a mega-church.  We use a lot of our energy to set up and tear down each week.  Our offices are regularly confused as our worship space which communicates nothing much happening on Sunday morning.  These six things have conspired to slow our momentum and create in our culture a kind of spiritual stagnancy that makes it difficult to invite our friends.  A change is needed and the sooner the better!

Second, while we could push the landlord to wait longer for us to discuss the situation further, the landlord has offered us an incredible deal in the rental price of the building ($5/square foot) and the willingness to reduce the rent to pay us back the cost of putting in a sprinkler system (roughly $60,000 or $1000/month off the rent over a five-year lease).  These two offers make the rent affordable at around $2000/month.  There is no other option that we have looked at over the last three years that is anywhere near comparable.  These two options could be taken off the table at any time by the landlord.  He knows he is giving us space at an incredible rate, and he knows that we know this.  He is motivated because his building has set empty for several years, but real estate can change in a moments notice.  We are ready to move forward as quickly as possible because we’ve done over three years of homework on what is fair and reasonable and this offer is beyond fair and reasonable.

Third, moving into a building offers us the opportunity to “relaunch” our church in the community.  When you move several things happen.  First, people who drive by and see the activity become curious about what’s going on.  They stop in and check it out just like they stop in and check out a new restaurant in town.  Second, new doors open with your social network.  You have been inviting friends and family and co-workers to come to worship at SCC, and you’ve worked through your entire social network.  Moving to a new place gives you a new reason to invite everyone in your social network again.  Third, there are really only two good times to launch a new church or venue in the calendar year: about a month after the new year in late January/early February is the second best time and about a month after school starts in the fall or late September/early October is the best time.  We’ve already passed the opportunity to relaunch in the new year.  That puts our next window of opportunity to relaunch in the early fall.  It may seem like there is a lot of time between now and then, but there is less time than you might imagine.  We have to remodel the building, a two to three month process assuming all goes well.  This will put us in the building sometime early June.  We have to inhabit the building and work out all the kinks over the summer so that when the fall comes around, we’re ready for our “Grand Opening” and reintroduction to the community.  If we wait much longer that timing window will close and we will miss the opportunity to relaunch SCC at one of the best times of the year.

Fourth, every time we have talked about a building at any vision meeting, we have always reminded the church that when the right opportunity comes, because of how real estate works, the process will likely move quickly.  When you have been “dating” for over three years and the right “mate” comes along, you know it when you see it.  What is worth acknowledging is that there are two different experiences here of the process.  The process may have seemed quick to the congregation as a whole, but to the leadership who have been involved in this process for over three years, it has been a very long and at times trying process.  When the right building came along, we were ready to move and move quickly.  This process included both formal meetings and communication like the newsletter, open house, and vision meeting.  It also involved a lot of informal meetings and communications with anyone who wanted to have their questions answered along the way.  For these four reasons, the leadership of the church was ready to move and move as quickly as possible.

It is helpful to remember that moving quickly is not new to the people of God.  In March of last year I preached a series on the book of Numbers.  We explored what it was like for the people of God to set up and tear down a tent to worship and to follow God’s lead in that process:

Sometimes the cloud would stay over the Tabernacle for only a few days, so the people would stay for only a few days. Then at the LORD’s command they would break camp.  Sometimes the cloud stayed only overnight and moved on the next morning. But day or night, when the cloud lifted, the people broke camp and followed.
Numbers 9:20-21 NLT 

Here’s one paragraph from that sermon:

Friends, something I have learned as we’ve begun looking for a building we can call home is that it is a day by day process.  We find one door open one day and we walk through it.  All looks good, but then it shuts.  We find another door open another day.  All looks good, but then it shuts.  We’ve seriously looked at three different buildings or properties.  All of them looked like they might work, but then didn’t end up working because of cost, zoning regulations, or parking issues.  It has been a bit of a maddening process.  But I suspect that some day the cloud of God’s Spirit is going to rise up off of Lansing Christian School and settle somewhere else, and things are going to happen very quickly.  That’s somewhat just the nature of real estate.  We’re not sure whether that will be buying a building or finding a new place to rent that has the right location and is at the right price, and is a place where we can set up and stay set up.

You can find the entire sermon here.  It is worth reading again to reflect on how God works and moves in a community of people “in the wilderness.”

3. I was asked why I was not speaking more to the questions and concerns being raised.

This is an interesting question, and I think it is helpful to reflect on something that John Savage taught us a couple of weekends ago about communication in the listening and caring training.  He said that communication requires encoding and decoding a message.  The encoding includes intent and the decoding includes inference.  The person sending the message uses words and non-verbal communication to encode intent and the person receiving the message “reads” the words and non-verbals to infer intent. What I believe was inferred by some was that I was unwilling to answer concerns. What I was intending to communicate was something along the following lines.

There were by design two parts of the meeting.  The first part was intended to be more of a dialogue following a presentation that allowed for clarifying questions to be asked and clarifying answers to be given.  The second part of the meeting was intended to allow for concerns and excitement to be aired freely.

My own experience of being in a group conversation and discernment like this is that the person with the microphone has power.  In this case that meant me and Thomas Oates who were at the front of the room.  I also realize that it is quite an intimidating situation to speak to a room full of people about a concern and have “the pastor” respond to it, especially if it seems like the pastor is getting defensive.  So my intent was not to ignore the concerns being aired, but to respect the concerns being aired by making sure there was space to speak your mind and heart and spirit without having “the pastor” respond to everything said.  This was the primary reason for my relative silence during that time of sharing.  A second more practical reason was that if I responded to each concern that was brought up, the meeting would have either gone much longer or fewer people would have had time to share.

Was there a better way to lead in this situation?  Yes.  Is this still a relatively new situation for us as a church?  Yes.  We have only voted on two items in our fourteen years as a church: to buy a parsonage and this vote.  I was not yet your pastor for the vote on the parsonage.  That makes this my first moment of leadership in helping us discern God’s will together through the process of voting.  Is there room for me to grow as a leader in this regard?  Yes.  Is SCC a community full of mercy and compassion for one another including its leader?  Yes.  Will we grow together to learn how to do this better in the future?  Yes.  Will we ever get to a point where everyone is happy with how we make decisions?  No.  Will God work in spite of all this?  Absolutely!  Thank you God!

If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to call or email me.

Let me end these thoughts reminding us all of the point of the message I referenced above that I preached on the book of Numbers.  I believe it as true today as the day I preached: Trust God’s provision for the future and move forward boldly!

Join a Bunch of Losers! Bod4God Groups…

Bod4God 2Bod4God Groups – Join a Bunch of Losers!

Tired of endless weight-loss plans and endless years of trying to get the numbers on that scale to start moving downward?  Weary of trying to find the motivation to live a healthy lifestyle?  You’ve come to the right place.  During February Sycamore Creek Church will be helping you find the right D.I.E.T. – Dedication, Inspiration, Eating & Exercising, and Teamwork.  What have you got to lose?  Weight!  What have you got to gain?  A Bod4God!

Participants in the any group are eligible for:

  • Original Okinawan Karate in Holt: FREE month for any adult or child or 12-weeks for a REDUCED price of $100 (includes uniform!).

Sign-up on the Connection Card in worship or email the group leader!
Pick up a book for $15 in the Connection Café on Sunday or at the diner on Monday.

#1. Challenge Group (Biggest Loser-like Competition & Health Campaign)
Sundays at 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
Come worship at 9:30, drop your kids at Bod4God4Kids and then hang out for the Challenge Group during the second service while your kids go to Kids Creek!  Videos each week with health experts, weigh ins, and team support time.
Amanda Shoemaker, MD and Amy Kremkow, LCS
(shoemakermd@gmail.com) (akremkow418@yahoo.com)

#2. Bod4God4Kids
Sundays at 9:30 AM @ Lansing Christian School (during worship)
Julie Soltis (juliesoltis@sycamorecreekchurch.org)

Activity Groups (Anyone)
#3. Running – Thursdays at 7:00 PM @ Hawk Island Park, Jon Rennhack (Rennhac2@msu.edu)

#4. Indoor Walking – Fridays at 9:30 AM @ Meridian Mall Playground
(Kids welcome, bring a stroller!) Tom Arthur (tomarthur@sycamorecreekchurch.org)

#5. Run/Walk – Saturdays at 9 AM @ Hawk Island Park, Emily Vliek (ekvliek@gmail.com)

#6. 5K – Autism Acceptance 5K, April 26 (www.autism-mi.org/Events/5KRun.aspx)

#7. Bike Bonanza on the River Trail – Saturday, May 3 at 1PM @ Maguire Park
Tabitha Martin (humdeelah@yahoo.com)

Young Adults
#8. Friday @ 2:30PM @ Holt Biggby, Justin Kring (kringjustin@gmail.com)

Seniors and Special Dietary Needs
#9. Mondays at 5:30 PM @ Jackie’s Diner (Healthy menu options available!)
Bev Sadilek (bsad1@sbcglobal.net) & Terri Horn (4cats4283@sbcglobal.net)

#10. Fridays at 12:00 PM @ Sparrow – St. Lawrence Campus Cafeteria
Amy Kremkow (akremkow418@yahoo.com)

#20. Fridays at 11:30AM Lunch @ Farm Bureau Insurance on 7373 West Saginaw
Mary Ziegler (mziegle@fbinsmi.com)

#11. Agnostic Pub Group 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 8PM @ Pizza House
Discussing The Healing Power of Faith: How Belief and Prayer Can Help You Triumph Over Disease by Harold Koenig and Malcolm McConnell
Tom Arthur (tomarthur@sycamorecreekchurch.org) & Bill Vliek (billvliek@gmail.com)

#12. Every other Wednesday at 7:00 AM @ Original Okinawa Karate in Holt
Mark Aupperlee (m_aupperlee@hotmail.com)

#13. Mondays at 6:00 PM @ The Avenue Café (Michigan St.)
Kevin Biesbrock (kbiesbrock@gmail.com)

#14. Every other Thursday at 7:00 PM @ a Holt Home
Mark Aupperlee (m_aupperlee@hotmail.com)

#15. Every other Thursday at 7:00 PM @ a Holt Home
Bob Trout (troutrob@juno.com)

16. 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 7:00 PM @ a Holt Home
Barb Flory (barbflory@gmail.com)

#17. Wednesdays at 7:00 PM @ Fazoli’s (S. Cedar)
Tabitha Martin (humdeelah@yahoo.com)

#18. Knitting – 1st and 3rd Mondays at 6:00 PM @ SCC Office
Tammie Oates (tammie@toates.net) and
Alice McKinstry (alicecleansweep@comcast.net)

#19. Select Sundays @ a Holt Home, John & Teresa Miller (rbkids@yahoo.com)

#21. Dad Kid Night Out – 2nd Tuesdays @ 5:30-7:30 PM
Jeremy Kratky (jeremykratky@sycamorecreekchurch.org)
February – HawkIsland Sledding
March – Extreme Fun @ Meridian Mall
April – PotterPark Zoo

For a downloadable PDF click here.

Capital Campaign Results!

20 years deep extension copy

Dear Sycamore Creek Church,

During the month of November we ran a “soft campaign” to extend our capital campaign by one year.  We asked people in our church to prayerfully consider giving another year what they gave each year over the past three years.

The results of this one-year extension are in.  We have received twenty-seven pledges for a total of $42,350.  Thank you God!  Included in these twenty-seven pledges were eight new families that did not pledge in our initial capital campaign. Five of those families are very active in our Church in a Diner venue.  These new pledges added up to almost 25% of the total pledged.  Thank you God!  At the end of 2014, these pledges will bring our total saved for a building close to $180,000.  Thank you God!

I am thankful for each of you who plan to give generously and sacrificially over the coming year.  Would you also be in prayer for us as we seek God’s direction about a future building (or as I like calling it: a “Launch-pad”).  God has not yet shown us the perfect building in the perfect location at the perfect price, but we are patiently preparing for and actively looking toward the day that God does open that door.  Thank you for investing in the mission of SCC.

Pastor Tom

P.S. If you still want to pledge and have not yet done so, please fill out this pledge sheet and return it to the church office.

And the winner is…Sermon Survey Results!

surveymonkeyDear SCC,

Two weeks ago before I went on a sermon retreat I invited you to take an online survey to help me plan for next year.  The response was excellent and many ideas were helpful.  I also asked you to give us some feedback on how easy it was to invite people to past series, how each series helped you grow in your faith, and the overall quality of each series.  We invited you to leave your name to enter a drawing for a $10 gift certificate to Jackie’s.

And the winner is…Paul McCrumb.  Congrats Paul! 

I thought you might find the results of the survey interesting.  Each score is out of a top possible score of five.  Here are the results:

Top Three Overall Series (Invite + Growth + Quality / 3)
1. Dancing with God – 4.3
2. Why? – 4.2
3. Baggage Claim – 4.2

Top Three Invite Series
1. Dancing with God – 4.4
2. Walking with Bilbo – 4.3
3. Why? – 4

Top Three Growth Series
1. Timothy – 4.1
2. Why? – 4.1
3. Baggage Claim – 4.1

Top Three Quality Series (All series received a 4+ rating for overall quality!)
1. Dancing with God – 4.6
2. Baggage Claim – 4.5
3. Timothy – 4.4

Top Three Invite Events
1. Swing Dance – 4.5
2. SCC Goes Bowling – 4.4
3. SCC Goes to the Hobbit tied with Pancake Party – 4.1

Because of the feedback you gave us, we’ve planned some great series and events for this coming year.  You’ll see us doing our best to host fun events like the Swing Dance and taking SCC on the road so it’s easy to invite your friends.  You’ll also see another series digging into the emotional pain from our past similar to the Baggage Claim series, and during the summer we’re going to be interacting with the summer blockbuster movies.  We’ll continue to do one Bible series in the winter/spring and one in the fall.  The series Why?, which was about suffering, showed up over and over again at the top of your ratings.  I plan to deal with suffering in a full-length series every other year, but will hit on it several times here and there in other series.

Maybe the most encouraging thing to those of us who plan worship was that when it came to quality, every series was rated at a four or higher.  That means you see what we’re doing as very high quality.  It continues to be our hope and prayer that we would turn a cafetorium or a diner into an environment where you and the friends you invite can encounter God.  Thanks for helping us plan how to do that this coming year!

Pastor Tom

Capital Campaign Extension

20 years deep extension copy

Dear Sycamore Creek Church,

I’d like to tell you about what is happening next with our capital campaign.  But first, what an amazing quarter it has been!  In August we took SCC on location to City Limits and had a blast.  Even more awesome was that you stepped up to the plate to invite new people.  We had 25 guests that morning!

As we were planning our one-year anniversary party for Church in a Diner we found out on a Tuesday that Grumpy’s Diner was closing.  By Friday we had at least four options, and we made a decision by Sunday to move to Jackie’s Diner.  Jackie’s just might be a better building for our Church in a Diner.  It’s bigger and has a separate room for kids. It also expands our territory into a new neighborhood!

At the end of September we pulled off an excellent leadership training event for the entire state.  Paul Nixon, the keynote speaker and new church strategist, told us that morning that he saw an excellence in what we do that he rarely sees in a church our size.  The online Readiness 360 in consultation with Paul showed us that we are a church that is ready to multiply.  Thank you God!

On October 13th we threw a FREE community swing dance party for the community, and the community showed up!  We had a live band and demo dancers and lessons from the MSU Swing Club.  It was not only great fun but it created a buzz in our community about what God is doing at SCC!

Your giving makes these events possible as we seek to ignite authentic life in Christ in as many people as possible and fan it into an all consuming flame!  Speaking of giving, let’s get back to the capital campaign.

At the end of this year we will finish out our three-year 20 Years Deep capital campaign.  Year to date we have received $329,580.07 which has allowed us to pay off the parsonage, finish the basement, put 10% aside for local and foreign missions, and save $135,379.95 for a building.  Wow! Thank you God!

A building will act as a launch pad from which we will be able to launch seven satellites in seven venues on seven days of the week.  We’ve learned a lot these three years about what it will mean to own our own building, and we’re realizing that our current savings is only the beginning financial step toward a building.  We will have to save more.  We’ve looked at many options, and while God still hasn’t revealed the perfect building in the perfect location at the perfect price that doesn’t mean we can stop saving.

Thus, we are extending the current capital campaign by one year.  It’s a 20 Years Deep one-year extension.  Would you prayerfully consider pledging to give the same amount in 2014 that you gave each year of the current campaign?  Or perhaps since our first campaign, your financial situation has changed and you are able to pledge less or even more.  That’s fine.  The bottom line is that we need to keep saving for a building even if it’s not clear what that building will be.  What surprises God has in store for us!

Please fill out this pledge card and return it to the church by or on November 10th and 11th. Following worship those days, we’ll have a fall vision meeting and will announce the results of this one-year capital campaign extension.  We’ll also look at some next steps for us as a church.  God has a great future for SCC!  Thank you for all the ways you invest in that mission, especially financially.

Pastor Tom

P.S. Don’t forget to fill out this pledge card and return it to the church by or on November 10th and 11th.

Readiness 360 Results

Readiness 360 BunniesDear SCC,

Over the past month we’ve had the opportunity to take an online survey called the Readiness 360 to help discern God’s future for SCC.  The survey measures how ready we are to multiply.  This weekend we wrapped up the Readiness 360 in a consultation with Paul Nixon, a nationally recognized new church strategist.  Because we took the survey last year, we can also measure if we’ve grown in our readiness.

So what are the results of the Readiness 360?  The short answer is this: We have grown in a positive direction in all four areas that the Readiness 360 measures.  Thank you God!  Here are the results for 2012 and 2013:

Number of People Who Took the 360 (+19)
2012 – 60
2013 – 79

Spiritual Intensity (+2.5)
2012 – 82.25
2013 – 84.75

Dynamic Relationships (+3.25)
2012 – 77
2013 – 80.25

Missional Alignment (+4.75)
2012 – 75
2013 – 79.75

Cultural Openness (+1.25)
2012 – 76
2013 – 77.25

Total Score (+11.75)
2012 – 310.25
2013 – 322

SuperSaturday-5You can read more about the results of this survey by downloading this PDF (2013 – Readiness 360 -news_release).  At one point Paul came over to our team’s table and encouraged our team saying, “You are ready!”  He told us that other churches around the nation that are multiplying have a total score similar to ours.  He also told our Sunday morning team that we were achieving a level of excellence in worship that he rarely sees in churches our size.  It was encouraging to hear someone who has seen hundreds of churches affirm our church so strongly.

What will that multiplication look like?  I am not yet sure, but I am excited to see what God is going to do in our church in the future.  Please be in prayer for God’s Holy Spirit to continue to breathe new and renewed life into our community of faith.  Pray for the lives of new people in our community as we seek to ignite authentic life in Christ in as many new people as possible and fan it into an all consuming flame!

Pastor Tom

Why Give to SCC? Quarterly Financial Letter


Dear Friends,

I was recently presented this question: Is your church the best place for someone to give their money?  The answer is yes.  Here’s why.

Most of you are probably familiar with the Agnostic Pub group that I co-lead.  We read a book at a pub and then switch pubs when we switch books.  It’s a group where those who aren’t so sure about this whole Christianity thing can go and find some community.  I am usually the only Christian in the group.  The rest are made up of agnostics, atheists, and everything in between.  Most attend our church.  Some are friends of those who attend our church.  A couple of weeks ago this is what happened…

Several of us had gathered and were beginning to catch up when someone new to our church showed up.  She has come pretty consistently to our Church in a Diner and was intrigued by the group because she had a lot of questions about religion and faith.  An Agnostic Pub group sounded like just thing she needed.

When she sat down at the table I realized that we needed to do some introductions so I asked each person to share their name and to explain why they were at the Agnostic Pub group on a Thursday night rather than somewhere else.  Their answers floored me.

One by one each of these “agnostics” talked about how amazing our church was.  They weren’t sure yet about Jesus, but they couldn’t stop gushing about how great SCC was.  It was warm and welcoming.  It was a safe place to ask questions.  The sermons were always helpful (I didn’t make that up).  Hard questions were open for discussion.  They went on and on.  At one point, one person realized how much they were gushing about SCC and sheepishly said, “Tom didn’t pay us to say this.”  Here were a bunch of agnostics who had become evangelists for SCC to another agnostic!  They weren’t yet evangelists for Jesus, but they were more than half-way there.

That’s why SCC is the best place to give your money.  And that’s only one of a dozen stories I could tell you about the last couple of months.  We’re a curious, creative, and compassionate community that is building bridges with people who have never entered the church or who have been hurt by the church.  We welcome their questions about God.  We’re creative in all we do to reach out to them.  And we show everyone, agnostics included, God’s compassion.

You already know this.  That’s why you give to SCC.  I wanted to share this story with you to show you one way your giving is transforming lives.  Your tithes, offerings, capital campaign pledges (over $283,000 given to date!), and designated special giving (over $2700 given this quarter!) help us ignite authentic life in Christ by connecting people to God and one another, growing disciples into the character of Christ, and helping each person to serve our church, community, and world.  Thank you for your generous giving!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!

Pastor Tom

P.S. The absolute easiest way I know to regularly give is to automate the process either through EFT or setting up a regular check to be mailed through your online banking. Then you transform lives even when you can’t always make it to worship.  Included is an EFT form for your convenience.  EFT can be changed at any point by simply calling the church office.


Designated Special Giving (DSG)

Listed below are opportunities to touch people’s lives.  One just might catch hold of your heart, spirit, or imagination, and God won’t let it get out of your mind.  Prayerfully look over the list below and consider whether God is calling you to give to one of these DSG opportunities?  DSG is an above-and-beyond giving opportunity, above and beyond other commitments you’ve made to the church such as your annual Commitment Sunday pledge, your Capital Campaign pledge, or your commitment to Dr. Mir in Nicaragua.  If you can’t give the total amount listed, don’t feel like you can’t contribute.  Perhaps God will speak to five other people too, and their total giving meets the need or opportunity.  Take some time to consider DSG alongside your current giving, and watch what God will do in the coming weeks and months!

  • ·         DONE! Main Projection Screen ($1,400) – Help communicate the gospel effectively and excellently.  Our current screen is showing significant age.
  • ·         DONE! Nursery Gates ($100) – Keeps kids safe and helps parents worship with peace of mind.  Makes our current nursery setup easier.
  • ·         DONE! Floor Mats for the Nursery ($40) – Makes a clean soft place for kids to play.
  • ·         DONE! Percussion Shaker ($30) – Adds more variety to the sound of our music and creates an environment where people can go deeper in God’s grace through worship music.
  • Youth Ministry Intern ($5000 – $1500 given!) – We’d like to hire a college student as a year-round youth intern to help our youth go deeper in God’s grace.
  • Leadership Training ($300+ – $400 given!  This need never runs out.) – Conferences, workshops and coaching help our paid/unpaid staff continue to improve their craft and reach new people for Christ.
  • Appreciation Gift Cards ($5+ – $200 given!  This need never runs out.) – A small gift card to a coffee shop, etc. can go a long way in showing appreciation to and retaining volunteers.
  • Outreach Events ($500+) – Help reach new people for Christ through several outreach events planned for the coming year that will include renting tents, bounce houses, and possibly even a river boat!
  • StuREV Event Scholarships ($200+) – Provide scholarships for students and chaperones to events like Acquire the Fire, winter retreat and more that will deepen the faith of our youth.
  • Parsonage Landscape Projects ($500+) – Improve the landscape of our parsonage (SCC owned pastor’s house).  Shrubs, lawn care, mulching, and more will help make a good first impression.
  • Signage ($100 to $2000) – We’re working on a new office sign, street signs, signs going into Lansing Christian School, and signs inside LCS that show our new logo and improve visibility.  Signs create and communicate our identity to the community and are an extension of our hospitality.
  • Guitar ($1000) – The church-owned guitar shows significant wear and tear.  A new guitar adds excellence to the music of our church creating a worship environment for people to encounter God.
  • Nicaragua Meds ($100+) – We send medical teams to Nicaragua twice a year to share God’s compassion.  A huge expense that pays significant dividends in health is medicine.  Many maladies can be simply treated with the appropriate meds.  Share God’s compassion with medicine for Nicaragua.
  • Member Care Training ($9500) – We are exploring bringing in John Savage several times over the next year.  Savage is a consultant we have worked with before who specializes in member care through training in listening skills.  This would help us expand our capacity for showing compassion within our community and help retain people when they experience bumps in life and the church.

If you would like to give to one or more of these Designated Special Giving opportunities, simply drop a check in the offering bag and write “DSG” and the name of the DSG (i.e. “DSG: New Screen”).