October 5, 2024

Francis Asbury – Second Pastor Part II

Here is the second in a series of five reflections on Francis Asbury as a model for second pastors.  I look at Asbury’s leadership rule to do nothing in haste and nothing from afar and explore how that helps guide the ministry of a second pastor.  Enjoy!

On Being a “Second Pastor”

Call & Response

A “second pastor” is a pastor who follows a founding pastor of a church.  There are no guide books to being a second pastor, but there are several of us out there.  One day while in the shower, it hit me: look to the past.  Particularly I thought of Francis Asbury.  Here’s my latest blog entry for Call and Response, which sets up a series of four more reflections on Asbury as a model for second pastors.

The Crackberry and Holy Time Keeping

Call & ResponseMy newest blog post on Call and Response is up.  It’s about the use of my Blackberry and the old Methodist practice of keeping a journal account of how we use our time.  Check it out here.

New places for new spaces

Call & Response

My  most recent post is up on Call & Response.  Is has to do with a slip of the tongue I kept hearing at our most recent annual conference.  The theme of the conference was “New places for new faces” but I heard many people say, “Now places for new spaces.”  This got me thinking about whether churches are willing to make the changes needed to welcome new faces or whether we’re just creating new spaces with no new faces.  Check it out here.

Good to Great…umm….

Call & ResponseI recently read and reviewed Jim Collins’ “classic” book, Good to Great.  I found it wanting in several ways.  So I thought I’d take a pot shot at this giant on Call and Response.  What was I thinking?  Yikes!  I hope he doesn’t read it.  Here’s a link.  Enjoy!