October 5, 2024

Signup Online for SCC Summer Groups!

GroupLink2Dear Friend,

I’m super excited about the 21 group options you have this summer at SCC!  Why sign up for a Summer Group at SCC?  Here are ten reasons:

  1. Go deeper in worship by learning how to play the guitar.
  2. Don’t do the whole parenting thing alone by connecting with other moms or dads to explore the community together.
  3. Go see some of the movies that we’ll be using in this summer’s sermon series: God on Film.
  4. Stay active and dedicate your body as a temple of God’s Spirit in a Bod4God follow-up group or a women’s backpacking group.
  5. Find healing in your heart and continue to “get past your past.”
  6. Get FREE child care while making friends with other young moms.
  7. Go deeper in the Bible by studying the book of Galatians with other men.
  8. Plug your kids into the summer Play Camp on Sunday mornings.
  9. Plug your youth into the Epic Bike Ride, Pool Party, and more.
  10. Make new spiritual friends and do life together!

For a full description of the 21 summer small groups at SCC, download this PDF.

There are two easy ways to sign up for SCC’s Summer Groups:  

1. On your Connection Card in worship or
2. Online.

Don’t take the summer off.  Connect and grow in groups!

Pastor Tom

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