October 5, 2024

Capital Campaign Extension

20 years deep extension copy

Dear Sycamore Creek Church,

I’d like to tell you about what is happening next with our capital campaign.  But first, what an amazing quarter it has been!  In August we took SCC on location to City Limits and had a blast.  Even more awesome was that you stepped up to the plate to invite new people.  We had 25 guests that morning!

As we were planning our one-year anniversary party for Church in a Diner we found out on a Tuesday that Grumpy’s Diner was closing.  By Friday we had at least four options, and we made a decision by Sunday to move to Jackie’s Diner.  Jackie’s just might be a better building for our Church in a Diner.  It’s bigger and has a separate room for kids. It also expands our territory into a new neighborhood!

At the end of September we pulled off an excellent leadership training event for the entire state.  Paul Nixon, the keynote speaker and new church strategist, told us that morning that he saw an excellence in what we do that he rarely sees in a church our size.  The online Readiness 360 in consultation with Paul showed us that we are a church that is ready to multiply.  Thank you God!

On October 13th we threw a FREE community swing dance party for the community, and the community showed up!  We had a live band and demo dancers and lessons from the MSU Swing Club.  It was not only great fun but it created a buzz in our community about what God is doing at SCC!

Your giving makes these events possible as we seek to ignite authentic life in Christ in as many people as possible and fan it into an all consuming flame!  Speaking of giving, let’s get back to the capital campaign.

At the end of this year we will finish out our three-year 20 Years Deep capital campaign.  Year to date we have received $329,580.07 which has allowed us to pay off the parsonage, finish the basement, put 10% aside for local and foreign missions, and save $135,379.95 for a building.  Wow! Thank you God!

A building will act as a launch pad from which we will be able to launch seven satellites in seven venues on seven days of the week.  We’ve learned a lot these three years about what it will mean to own our own building, and we’re realizing that our current savings is only the beginning financial step toward a building.  We will have to save more.  We’ve looked at many options, and while God still hasn’t revealed the perfect building in the perfect location at the perfect price that doesn’t mean we can stop saving.

Thus, we are extending the current capital campaign by one year.  It’s a 20 Years Deep one-year extension.  Would you prayerfully consider pledging to give the same amount in 2014 that you gave each year of the current campaign?  Or perhaps since our first campaign, your financial situation has changed and you are able to pledge less or even more.  That’s fine.  The bottom line is that we need to keep saving for a building even if it’s not clear what that building will be.  What surprises God has in store for us!

Please fill out this pledge card and return it to the church by or on November 10th and 11th. Following worship those days, we’ll have a fall vision meeting and will announce the results of this one-year capital campaign extension.  We’ll also look at some next steps for us as a church.  God has a great future for SCC!  Thank you for all the ways you invest in that mission, especially financially.

Pastor Tom

P.S. Don’t forget to fill out this pledge card and return it to the church by or on November 10th and 11th.

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