July 4, 2024

A Theology of Play

Slant 33

Sarah ArthurSarah, my wife, has a new article up on Slant 33 that is worth checking out.  Three contributors answer the question: Why is the theology of play an important piece of our spiritual puzzle?  She gives a good summary of the history and theology of play.  Good stuff! Check it out here.

I wonder in the midst of all three contributors’ responses what role confession plays in a theology of play?  My own theology of play or pleasure is actually rather weak.  I’ve been influenced quite a bit by John Wesley, and he doesn’t have a very positive view on anything we might do in our leisure time (except gardening!).  I recently saw a new book titled Pure Pleasure: Why Do Christians Feel So Bad about Feeling Good?  I haven’t read it but I think the title of the book asks an interesting question worth further reflection.   When should we enjoy feeling good and are there times when we should “enjoy” not feeling good (i.e. while practicing fasting)?  And how does this all interact with a culture that is so focused on only feeling good and indulging every possible pleasure?  These are questions I continue to contemplate.